Dr Radhika Vohra GP with 20+ years experience Based in Surrey

Specialises in:

General Practice, Women’s Health, Menopause, Adolescent Health, Contraception, Coils, and Implants

Qualifications and Accreditations:

MbChB, BMedSci, MRCGP Dist (2005), DFFP FRT, DCH
Qualified at University of Birmingham UK, GMC registered, Diplomate of Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health, Member of British Menopause Society, Associate Member of International Menopause Society.

Speaker and Educator

Over 15 years experience

Mum of two teenagers

Realistic understanding of juggling life!


Providing online access to Primary Care information including women's health.

Find out more about Dr Radhika Vohra and her work.

Dr Radhika Vohra is an evidence based prescriber, specialising in practising holistic medicine.

Lifestyle Medicine

Her approach is based on individual holistic care for the patient.

Evidence Based Prescriber

An advocate for good medical practice guidelines

Dr Radhika Vohra supports:

  • Time with the clinician
  • Continuity of care
  • Ongoing support and contact with patients.


Follow Dr Vohra

Connect with Dr Vohra over on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn for her latest news and events.

Genitourinary syndrome is common, progressive and does not improve without treatment so diagnosis and treatment is crucial to help vaginal, urinary and sexual symptoms and improve quality of life. This can be so valuable to women who have/had breast cancer. 

This research adds to what we already know about safety of vaginal oestrogen use in that there is NO reduced survival with vaginal oestrogen use in breast cancer patients. So we should be offering all that we have to help quality of life. 

I hope in time this reassures all to make it more available. Are you in a part of the world where this is not even available let alone a treatment option? 
This is such a disservice to all women and especially those undergoing cancer care or the consequences of. In UK, women over 50, without any cancer history can buy vaginal oestrogen after a pharmacy consult. There is such variation across the world. In an ideal world… a women would be reassured by her Oncology team that vaginal oestrogen is safe to use with breast cancer. 

Welcome your thoughts. I am mindful this is a sensitive subject and I cannot give personalised advice on IG 🙏🏻 

#postcancancercare #womenshealth 
#menopause #perimenopause #genitourinarysyndromeofmenopause #womenshealthmatters #gsm #vaginaloestogen 
#vaginalatrophy #urinarysymptoms #pelvicfloor #prolapse #breastcancer #postbreastcancer

Genitourinary syndrome is common, progressive and does not improve without treatment so diagnosis and treatment is crucial to help vaginal, urinary and sexual symptoms and improve quality of life. This can be so valuable to women who have/had breast cancer.

This research adds to what we already know about safety of vaginal oestrogen use in that there is NO reduced survival with vaginal oestrogen use in breast cancer patients. So we should be offering all that we have to help quality of life.

I hope in time this reassures all to make it more available. Are you in a part of the world where this is not even available let alone a treatment option?
This is such a disservice to all women and especially those undergoing cancer care or the consequences of. In UK, women over 50, without any cancer history can buy vaginal oestrogen after a pharmacy consult. There is such variation across the world. In an ideal world… a women would be reassured by her Oncology team that vaginal oestrogen is safe to use with breast cancer.

Welcome your thoughts. I am mindful this is a sensitive subject and I cannot give personalised advice on IG 🙏🏻

#postcancancercare #womenshealth
#menopause #perimenopause #genitourinarysyndromeofmenopause #womenshealthmatters #gsm #vaginaloestogen
#vaginalatrophy #urinarysymptoms #pelvicfloor #prolapse #breastcancer #postbreastcancer

13 4
Today was a tough day with lots of curve balls including unwell patients, however, as I always say, women’s health and menopause is #transformationalmedicine when one gets the time and attention one needs. Hormones are so powerful and have an enormous impact on health. 

I got this message from a patient and it made my day, as she’s worked jolly hard to get where she is and life is to be enjoyed and experienced 😊 

🙋🏽‍♀️ Do you have a health professional who has left a special mark, why not reach out and thank them this season? It really does mean a lot! 

I didn’t get everything I wanted done or a decent post out, but I did get this lovely email 🧡 so hoping to get a research paper out to you all tomorrow! 🤞 

#onlymonday #womenshealth #menopause #perimenopause #mondaypositivity #feedback #portfoliogp #hormonehealth

Today was a tough day with lots of curve balls including unwell patients, however, as I always say, women’s health and menopause is #transformationalmedicine when one gets the time and attention one needs. Hormones are so powerful and have an enormous impact on health.

I got this message from a patient and it made my day, as she’s worked jolly hard to get where she is and life is to be enjoyed and experienced 😊

🙋🏽‍♀️ Do you have a health professional who has left a special mark, why not reach out and thank them this season? It really does mean a lot!

I didn’t get everything I wanted done or a decent post out, but I did get this lovely email 🧡 so hoping to get a research paper out to you all tomorrow! 🤞

#onlymonday #womenshealth #menopause #perimenopause #mondaypositivity #feedback #portfoliogp #hormonehealth

70 8
Lots of news today about the risks of SYNTHETIC TABLET Hormone replacement therapies based on this observational study - tablet HRT remains commonly used in many parts of the world plus synthetic hormones are often in contraception. 

It’s important to know these do increase the risk of venous and arterial clot depending on risk factors and age as they affect your clotting and liver metabolism. We have known this for some time and it’s important not to panic. 

Some women, based on reasons like availability, stock, absorption… have no other choice but many are not given one so we need to educate all and empower women to make informed choices. I appreciated the insight this study gave to younger, educated, urbanised women with less other disease being more likely to receive HRT and also transdermal. They did adjust for these differences but it shows we have a long way to go until we reach #medicalequality

#tablethrt #synthetichormones #menopause #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #womenshealth #inequalityinmenopause

Lots of news today about the risks of SYNTHETIC TABLET Hormone replacement therapies based on this observational study - tablet HRT remains commonly used in many parts of the world plus synthetic hormones are often in contraception.

It’s important to know these do increase the risk of venous and arterial clot depending on risk factors and age as they affect your clotting and liver metabolism. We have known this for some time and it’s important not to panic.

Some women, based on reasons like availability, stock, absorption… have no other choice but many are not given one so we need to educate all and empower women to make informed choices. I appreciated the insight this study gave to younger, educated, urbanised women with less other disease being more likely to receive HRT and also transdermal. They did adjust for these differences but it shows we have a long way to go until we reach #medicalequality

#tablethrt #synthetichormones #menopause #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #womenshealth #inequalityinmenopause

166 23
1 in 2 women over 50 will have a fracture and almost 1 in 3 osteoporosis. 

Vast majority of these will not be offered Menopause Hormonal Therapy (MHT) for their bone health despite it being one of the first line treatments for under 60s. This is what we would like to see changing…

This is because our hormones oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone slow down the rate of bone loss and promote new bone growth. It helps bone resorption, healing and strength in a way other drugs don’t.

At a time where women may be living many years after a fracture, the authors conclude, in their wisdom that we need to recognised that MHT (formerly HRT) can offer bone benefit is small doses that cannot be matched and is a missed opportunity if we don’t look at women over 60. The ‘window of opportunity’ of 10 years from onset of menopause or below the age of 60 is no longer the only way to think about MHT. 

We need to think away from arbitrary cut offs based on age, especially in the context of newer body identical hormones via skin as these do not carry the same concerns as oral synthetic hormones. 

Love to hear your thoughts 👇🏼 as one of the commonest questions I am asked on talks is ‘I am over 60 and cannot take HRT so what are my choices?’… 

#bonehealth #lossofbonedensity #oestrogenmatters #menopause#musculoskeletalsyndromeofmenopause #menopauseinwomenover60
#giveyourbonesabreak #boneloss #musculoskeletal

1 in 2 women over 50 will have a fracture and almost 1 in 3 osteoporosis.

Vast majority of these will not be offered Menopause Hormonal Therapy (MHT) for their bone health despite it being one of the first line treatments for under 60s. This is what we would like to see changing…

This is because our hormones oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone slow down the rate of bone loss and promote new bone growth. It helps bone resorption, healing and strength in a way other drugs don’t.

At a time where women may be living many years after a fracture, the authors conclude, in their wisdom that we need to recognised that MHT (formerly HRT) can offer bone benefit is small doses that cannot be matched and is a missed opportunity if we don’t look at women over 60. The ‘window of opportunity’ of 10 years from onset of menopause or below the age of 60 is no longer the only way to think about MHT.

We need to think away from arbitrary cut offs based on age, especially in the context of newer body identical hormones via skin as these do not carry the same concerns as oral synthetic hormones.

Love to hear your thoughts 👇🏼 as one of the commonest questions I am asked on talks is ‘I am over 60 and cannot take HRT so what are my choices?’…

#bonehealth #lossofbonedensity #oestrogenmatters #menopause#musculoskeletalsyndromeofmenopause #menopauseinwomenover60
#giveyourbonesabreak #boneloss #musculoskeletal

222 26
A packed conversation on lifestyle, menopause & hormone replacement therapy with a focus on #ethnicwomen in particular. What are the long term disease risks? Why is there less awareness?

For Women of colour the risks of long term disease is higher, we are less aware, therefore less likely to be offered or accept treatment. HRT prescriptions are going up but much less in #womenofcolour. 

You can download a symptom tracker @themenocharity . @feelgoodwithlavina book The Feel Good Fix is a great guide to refer to as well as online exercises on You Tube. 

Lavina highlights the importance of #exercise and motivation with lifestyle change. These can work at any stage, regardless of using #hrt

Lifestyle improvement will always benefit and starting with small #exercisesnacks is a great way of reaching goals. What do you think? What could you do differently? Love to hear your thoughts 👇🏼 

#menopause #bonehealth #ethnicity #womenofcolour #menopausegap #healthdisparities #osteoporosis #exercisefordiabetesriskreduction #geneticrisks #metabolicdisease

A packed conversation on lifestyle, menopause & hormone replacement therapy with a focus on #ethnicwomen in particular. What are the long term disease risks? Why is there less awareness?

For Women of colour the risks of long term disease is higher, we are less aware, therefore less likely to be offered or accept treatment. HRT prescriptions are going up but much less in #womenofcolour.

You can download a symptom tracker @themenocharity . @feelgoodwithlavina book The Feel Good Fix is a great guide to refer to as well as online exercises on You Tube.

Lavina highlights the importance of #exercise and motivation with lifestyle change. These can work at any stage, regardless of using #hrt

Lifestyle improvement will always benefit and starting with small #exercisesnacks is a great way of reaching goals. What do you think? What could you do differently? Love to hear your thoughts 👇🏼

#menopause #bonehealth #ethnicity #womenofcolour #menopausegap #healthdisparities #osteoporosis #exercisefordiabetesriskreduction #geneticrisks #metabolicdisease

237 5
#inequality in #healthcare is a huge disappointment for #womenshealth in UK. Be it long gynaecology waits, lack of menstrual support, lack of funding for fertility care, lack of contraceptive services, lack of menopause clinics and disparity in prescribing including HRT. I know we have it well compared to many but compared to others areas of western medicine we do not when it comes to Women’s Health. It’s 51% of the population!?! Today I’ve been speaking to Tandridge Primary Care Network about ‘Menopause Inequality’ and now my voice is hoarse and tired. But I hope it helps someone out there, somehow. #endlesshope #womenshealth

#inequality in #healthcare is a huge disappointment for #womenshealth in UK. Be it long gynaecology waits, lack of menstrual support, lack of funding for fertility care, lack of contraceptive services, lack of menopause clinics and disparity in prescribing including HRT. I know we have it well compared to many but compared to others areas of western medicine we do not when it comes to Women’s Health. It’s 51% of the population!?! Today I’ve been speaking to Tandridge Primary Care Network about ‘Menopause Inequality’ and now my voice is hoarse and tired. But I hope it helps someone out there, somehow. #endlesshope #womenshealth ...

30 2
Loved meeting Dr Yeong - it’s rare to meet a colleague who is so supportive of menopause care and HRT. What do you think? He is a physician who works closely with orthopaedic surgeons/therapists to given medical input best care regarding osteoporosis and independence. Such useful insight here on what we already know and what we can do. #giveyourbonesabreak campaign is about this 💪🏼 🦴 I realised I forgot to share this little 💎 so here it is! #bonehealth #osteoporosis #osteoporosisprevention #hormonehealth #womenshealth #menopause #perimenopause #bonedensity #lossofbonedensity

Loved meeting Dr Yeong - it’s rare to meet a colleague who is so supportive of menopause care and HRT. What do you think? He is a physician who works closely with orthopaedic surgeons/therapists to given medical input best care regarding osteoporosis and independence. Such useful insight here on what we already know and what we can do. #giveyourbonesabreak campaign is about this 💪🏼 🦴 I realised I forgot to share this little 💎 so here it is! #bonehealth #osteoporosis #osteoporosisprevention #hormonehealth #womenshealth #menopause #perimenopause #bonedensity #lossofbonedensity ...

19 0
Have you had an Intrauterine Coil fitted? 

Were you counselled for your anaesthetic options? 

Or were you put off with concerns? Including pain? 

If not, for some reassurance, training is now including anaesthetic options and things are changing to acknowledge the evidence we have that fitting is moderately/severely painful for 6 out of 10 women. 

Many women use coils for contraception and/or endometrial protection. It is very reliable and effective.

As a Faculty Of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Trainer and Coil fitter, I have always been an advocate for anaesthetic discussion and choice. 

I’m at the Trainers Conference this morning and happy to see this being training and practice recommendation. Anaesthetic can be pain relief before attending, spray, cream or an injection into the cervix. 

This varies with individual clinics and depends on lots of factors. The procedure can be uncomfortable and there should be choice of anaesthetic. If it cannot be provided, the Faculty says a referral elsewhere should be an option. 

#intrauterinedevice #intrauterinesystem #coil #contraception #endometrialprotection 
#procedurepain #womenshealth #womenshealthmatters #fsrh #anaesthesia #painrelief

Have you had an Intrauterine Coil fitted?

Were you counselled for your anaesthetic options?

Or were you put off with concerns? Including pain?

If not, for some reassurance, training is now including anaesthetic options and things are changing to acknowledge the evidence we have that fitting is moderately/severely painful for 6 out of 10 women.

Many women use coils for contraception and/or endometrial protection. It is very reliable and effective.

As a Faculty Of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Trainer and Coil fitter, I have always been an advocate for anaesthetic discussion and choice.

I’m at the Trainers Conference this morning and happy to see this being training and practice recommendation. Anaesthetic can be pain relief before attending, spray, cream or an injection into the cervix.

This varies with individual clinics and depends on lots of factors. The procedure can be uncomfortable and there should be choice of anaesthetic. If it cannot be provided, the Faculty says a referral elsewhere should be an option.

#intrauterinedevice #intrauterinesystem #coil #contraception #endometrialprotection
#procedurepain #womenshealth #womenshealthmatters #fsrh #anaesthesia #painrelief

15 2
The fabulous launch of this campaign to increase bone health and osteoporosis awareness following in from the article in the @guardian recently. It’s reaching out to workplaces and stakeholders via Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace #giveyourbonesabreak campaign. 

Here’s what I’d like to share with you all:

🦴 Bone mineral density starts to drop in women’s 30s and plummets between perimenopause and menopause. The result is muscle and bone loss over years. 

🦴 The symptoms range from joint pain, inflammation, loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia), thinning or bones (osteopenia), osteoporosis and fractures. 

🦴 Over 70% of women experience these symptoms and approximately 25% are disabled by them. This results in much, including loss of independence, income, health and mental wellbeing. 

🦴 1 in 2 women over 50 will have a fracture and often this is the result of bone thinning and osteoporosis

🦴 nutritional balance of calcium and supplements Vitamin D can crucial 

🦴  HRT can increase bone density by upto 7% over two years

🦴 weight bearing exercise can increase density by 3% in a year. This is crucial to improve global health and reduce cardiovascular risk. 

What changes can you make? Stuck about where to start? 
If you’re doing this and found an account helpful please share below for others.
Do tag, share and follow.

The speakers at the event are a great place to a start.
@feelgoodwithlavina @henpickednet @menopausefriendly @menopause_dietitian 
Dr Bill Robertson-Smith

#giveyourbonesabreak  #bonehealth #boneloss #ageingwell #independentageing

The fabulous launch of this campaign to increase bone health and osteoporosis awareness following in from the article in the @guardian recently. It’s reaching out to workplaces and stakeholders via Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace #giveyourbonesabreak campaign.

Here’s what I’d like to share with you all:

🦴 Bone mineral density starts to drop in women’s 30s and plummets between perimenopause and menopause. The result is muscle and bone loss over years.

🦴 The symptoms range from joint pain, inflammation, loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia), thinning or bones (osteopenia), osteoporosis and fractures.

🦴 Over 70% of women experience these symptoms and approximately 25% are disabled by them. This results in much, including loss of independence, income, health and mental wellbeing.

🦴 1 in 2 women over 50 will have a fracture and often this is the result of bone thinning and osteoporosis

🦴 nutritional balance of calcium and supplements Vitamin D can crucial

🦴 HRT can increase bone density by upto 7% over two years

🦴 weight bearing exercise can increase density by 3% in a year. This is crucial to improve global health and reduce cardiovascular risk.

What changes can you make? Stuck about where to start?
If you’re doing this and found an account helpful please share below for others.
Do tag, share and follow.

The speakers at the event are a great place to a start.
@feelgoodwithlavina @henpickednet @menopausefriendly @menopause_dietitian
Dr Bill Robertson-Smith

#giveyourbonesabreak #bonehealth #boneloss #ageingwell #independentageing

40 24
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News From Dr Vohra

Keep up to date with the latest news here.

January 1, 2025 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.
November 19, 2024 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.
what is menopause
May 16, 2024 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.