Dr Radhika Vohra GP with 20+ years experience Based in Surrey

Specialises in:

General Practice, Women’s Health, Menopause, Adolescent Health, Contraception, Coils, and Implants

Qualifications and Accreditations:

MbChB, BMedSci, MRCGP Dist (2005), DFFP FRT, DCH
Qualified at University of Birmingham UK, GMC registered, Diplomate of Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health, Member of British Menopause Society, Associate Member of International Menopause Society.

Speaker and Educator

Over 15 years experience

Mum of two teenagers

Realistic understanding of juggling life!


Providing online access to Primary Care information including women's health.

Find out more about Dr Radhika Vohra and her work.

Dr Radhika Vohra is an evidence based prescriber, specialising in practising holistic medicine.

Lifestyle Medicine

Her approach is based on individual holistic care for the patient.

Evidence Based Prescriber

An advocate for good medical practice guidelines

Dr Radhika Vohra supports:

  • Time with the clinician
  • Continuity of care
  • Ongoing support and contact with patients.


Follow Dr Vohra

Connect with Dr Vohra over on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn for her latest news and events.

Great to see accessible menopause information from @themenocharity at my NHS practice when I went in. 

Do share if one caught your eye? 

I was delighted to hear from the receptionist how much patients have valued them. Especially, if not accessing information on line. 

These 50,000 leaflets were distributed throughout 2,500 GP practices in 2024. 

Into 2025 our outreach work continues. Everyone should be able to access trusted information. 

In reality, not everyone feels included or heard, access for help and inequality are real barriers many women face. I’m proud to be a Trustee to @themenocharity and with our Clinical Advisory Panel we are working to get education and awareness to all.

#menopause #perimenopause #menopausesupport #menopauseawareness #menopauseinformation #menopausecharity #themenocharity #education #awareness

Great to see accessible menopause information from @themenocharity at my NHS practice when I went in.

Do share if one caught your eye?

I was delighted to hear from the receptionist how much patients have valued them. Especially, if not accessing information on line.

These 50,000 leaflets were distributed throughout 2,500 GP practices in 2024.

Into 2025 our outreach work continues. Everyone should be able to access trusted information.

In reality, not everyone feels included or heard, access for help and inequality are real barriers many women face. I’m proud to be a Trustee to @themenocharity and with our Clinical Advisory Panel we are working to get education and awareness to all.

#menopause #perimenopause #menopausesupport #menopauseawareness #menopauseinformation #menopausecharity #themenocharity #education #awareness

11 1
Genitourinary syndrome is common, progressive and does not improve without treatment so diagnosis and treatment is crucial to help vaginal, urinary and sexual symptoms and improve quality of life. This can be so valuable to women who have/had breast cancer. Just my case study shared here. It is nothing short of life transforming medicine. 

This research adds to what we already know about safety of vaginal oestrogen use in that there is NO reduced survival with vaginal oestrogen use in breast cancer patients. So we should be offering all that we have to help quality of life. 

I hope in time this reassures all to make it more available. Are you in a part of the world where this is not even available let alone a treatment option? 
This is such a disservice to all women and especially those undergoing cancer care or the consequences of. In UK, women over 50, without any cancer history can buy vaginal oestrogen after a pharmacy consult. There is such variation across the world. In an ideal world… a women would be reassured by her Oncology team that vaginal oestrogen is safe to use with breast cancer. 

Welcome your thoughts. I am mindful this is a sensitive subject and I cannot give personalised advice on IG 🙏🏻 

#postcancancercare #womenshealth 
#menopause #perimenopause #genitourinarysyndromeofmenopause #womenshealthmatters #gsm #vaginaloestogen 
#vaginalatrophy #urinarysymptoms #pelvicfloor #prolapse #breastcancer #postbreastcancer #menopauseandcancer

Genitourinary syndrome is common, progressive and does not improve without treatment so diagnosis and treatment is crucial to help vaginal, urinary and sexual symptoms and improve quality of life. This can be so valuable to women who have/had breast cancer. Just my case study shared here. It is nothing short of life transforming medicine.

This research adds to what we already know about safety of vaginal oestrogen use in that there is NO reduced survival with vaginal oestrogen use in breast cancer patients. So we should be offering all that we have to help quality of life.

I hope in time this reassures all to make it more available. Are you in a part of the world where this is not even available let alone a treatment option?
This is such a disservice to all women and especially those undergoing cancer care or the consequences of. In UK, women over 50, without any cancer history can buy vaginal oestrogen after a pharmacy consult. There is such variation across the world. In an ideal world… a women would be reassured by her Oncology team that vaginal oestrogen is safe to use with breast cancer.

Welcome your thoughts. I am mindful this is a sensitive subject and I cannot give personalised advice on IG 🙏🏻

#postcancancercare #womenshealth
#menopause #perimenopause #genitourinarysyndromeofmenopause #womenshealthmatters #gsm #vaginaloestogen
#vaginalatrophy #urinarysymptoms #pelvicfloor #prolapse #breastcancer #postbreastcancer #menopauseandcancer

32 3
This 10 minute survey is gathering questions and ideas for research on care of bleeding problems associated with periods. Problematic bleeding is menstrual bleeding that is too heavy, erratic, long or impacting quality of life. 

Open to those who are in UK and are 1 year after periods started and upto age of 60. 

Representatives can take part as can health care professionals. 

All the responses will be narrowed down to top 10 questions that need answering by research. Evidence based research can better treatment and support for all. Do spread wide and let’s get those responses in! 

Click on the QR code to participate. 

#research #evidencebased #problematicbleeding #menstrualdisturbance #heavymenstrualbleeding #heavyperiod #menorrhagia #dysmenorrhea #generalpractice

This 10 minute survey is gathering questions and ideas for research on care of bleeding problems associated with periods. Problematic bleeding is menstrual bleeding that is too heavy, erratic, long or impacting quality of life.

Open to those who are in UK and are 1 year after periods started and upto age of 60.

Representatives can take part as can health care professionals.

All the responses will be narrowed down to top 10 questions that need answering by research. Evidence based research can better treatment and support for all. Do spread wide and let’s get those responses in!

Click on the QR code to participate.

#research #evidencebased #problematicbleeding #menstrualdisturbance #heavymenstrualbleeding #heavyperiod #menorrhagia #dysmenorrhea #generalpractice

11 1
#fibroids are non cancerous growths in or around the womb. They are very common and some evidence exists for increased risk with obesity, not having children, genetics, early periods starting and high blood pressure. They are also more common and severe among African American women (3 times more likely).

Often I’m asked: 
❓Will they change in perimenopause and menopause? ❓Can I take hormonal therapy? ❓Should I stop hormonal therapy if I bleed erratically? 

Here is a short video to answer these. Awareness of these conditions and education is key to allow the best actions.

Women seek medical help 1/3 more than men between 20-65 years. We need to recognise those at risk. Women’s health should be individualised care with evidence rather than blanket rules and funding cuts. 

#womenshealth #gynaecology #fibroids #fibroidsymptoms #fibroidsandhormones #hrt #unscheduledbleeding #fibroidawareness #fibroidsupport #womb

#fibroids are non cancerous growths in or around the womb. They are very common and some evidence exists for increased risk with obesity, not having children, genetics, early periods starting and high blood pressure. They are also more common and severe among African American women (3 times more likely).

Often I’m asked:
❓Will they change in perimenopause and menopause? ❓Can I take hormonal therapy? ❓Should I stop hormonal therapy if I bleed erratically?

Here is a short video to answer these. Awareness of these conditions and education is key to allow the best actions.

Women seek medical help 1/3 more than men between 20-65 years. We need to recognise those at risk. Women’s health should be individualised care with evidence rather than blanket rules and funding cuts.

#womenshealth #gynaecology #fibroids #fibroidsymptoms #fibroidsandhormones #hrt #unscheduledbleeding #fibroidawareness #fibroidsupport #womb

45 6
Women of Colour experience a different menopause journey and face disparities in treatment but we don’t know enough about how and why. This is exactly the research we need so please do spread wide and English speaking, women of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian or Sri Lankan origin in England can take part. Please scan or email the researcher named. Until you are represented in research, there is not the evidence to bring about change so please, please, please pass this around. #womenofcolour #menopause #attitudestomenopause #healthdisparaties #southasian

Women of Colour experience a different menopause journey and face disparities in treatment but we don’t know enough about how and why. This is exactly the research we need so please do spread wide and English speaking, women of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian or Sri Lankan origin in England can take part. Please scan or email the researcher named. Until you are represented in research, there is not the evidence to bring about change so please, please, please pass this around. #womenofcolour #menopause #attitudestomenopause #healthdisparaties #southasian ...

54 6
Many women come in feeling like their transdermal HRT is not working like it was. 
Things were settled and now changed. 
Does this sound familiar? 

One reason could how your skin absorbs the topical form of oestrogen. These come as a patch, gel or spray and oestrogen is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream.

Here are the differences in how they are applied and what may matter:
PATCHES - applied below the waist, usually to the outer buttock and changed twice a week to a new patch on the alternate buttock
GEL -  pump dispenser or sachet and is usually applied to the inner thigh or outer upper arm on daily basis
SPRAY - the inner thigh or inner forearm on a daily basis

Factors that may affect/help absorption:
Your HYDRATION - are you drinking enough water each day
Any SKIN condition or other DISEASES - e.g. thyroid, diabetes
ETHNICITY - women form some backgrounds may have less absorption
DIET and MICRONUTRIENTS - vitamin D, folic acid and B12 have a role
CIRCULATION - movement, exercise, cold water exposure, stress, cortisol 
DRY & CLEAN skin - with gel or spray it is advised not to wash the area, exercise or have skin to skin contact with anyone for 1 hour after application (including pets)
ROTATING site of application - ensure patch applied slightly off previous site and sometimes split doses maybe needed
Ensure waiting for gel to DRY or patch fully STUCK - else it will not absorb well 

Sometimes, you maybe on licensed maximum dose, or despite trying all the above, still have low oestrogen symptoms. Then an oestradiol BLOOD TEST may be helpful or it may be best changing to a DIFFERENT brand. This is individual and under your medical practitioners’ guidance. 

I hope you found this useful - I’d love to hear your thoughts.

#menopause #HRT #menopausehormonaltherapy #transdermalhrt #oestrogen #skinabsorption #transdermalpatch #transdermalgel #hormonereplacement #hormonehealth #womenshealth #menopausematters #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonaltherapy

Many women come in feeling like their transdermal HRT is not working like it was.
Things were settled and now changed.
Does this sound familiar?

One reason could how your skin absorbs the topical form of oestrogen. These come as a patch, gel or spray and oestrogen is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream.

Here are the differences in how they are applied and what may matter:
PATCHES - applied below the waist, usually to the outer buttock and changed twice a week to a new patch on the alternate buttock
GEL - pump dispenser or sachet and is usually applied to the inner thigh or outer upper arm on daily basis
SPRAY - the inner thigh or inner forearm on a daily basis

Factors that may affect/help absorption:
Your HYDRATION - are you drinking enough water each day
Any SKIN condition or other DISEASES - e.g. thyroid, diabetes
ETHNICITY - women form some backgrounds may have less absorption
DIET and MICRONUTRIENTS - vitamin D, folic acid and B12 have a role
CIRCULATION - movement, exercise, cold water exposure, stress, cortisol
DRY & CLEAN skin - with gel or spray it is advised not to wash the area, exercise or have skin to skin contact with anyone for 1 hour after application (including pets)
ROTATING site of application - ensure patch applied slightly off previous site and sometimes split doses maybe needed
Ensure waiting for gel to DRY or patch fully STUCK - else it will not absorb well

Sometimes, you maybe on licensed maximum dose, or despite trying all the above, still have low oestrogen symptoms. Then an oestradiol BLOOD TEST may be helpful or it may be best changing to a DIFFERENT brand. This is individual and under your medical practitioners’ guidance.

I hope you found this useful - I’d love to hear your thoughts.

#menopause #HRT #menopausehormonaltherapy #transdermalhrt #oestrogen #skinabsorption #transdermalpatch #transdermalgel #hormonereplacement #hormonehealth #womenshealth #menopausematters #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonaltherapy

113 28
#friday story with a happy ending so bear with me… during 2018 I was completing the BMS Menopause Training and Covid delayed me completing it. There was no plan as to how it could be completed remotely in the time needed. So, my window to complete it lapsed. I felt so frustrated as I had self invested at a time when I believed menopause care mattered yet there was little interest in services. Fast forward 5 years and so many opportunities have come, including remote BMS training, @balancemenopause , lots of awareness and education. Without enough trained, confident and trusted health professionals, menopause help will be pot luck and a postcode lottery. This is so unfair. 

The trailblazer @menopause_doctor encouraged me 5 years ago to carry on doing what I believed would help women despite not completing the official training. Her bravery deserves credit. I’m so grateful to have listened & persevered. 

Now, I’ve completed the Menopause Care Professional Certificate with the @fsrh_uk . My trainer @terrilovis (rare as hens teeth) was brilliant and the peer group supportive. 

Working in the NHS Menopause Clinic and privately, as an educator and as a Trustee to @themenocharity I want to continue to provide the best evidence based care possible and complete the Advanced training so more Health Care Professionals can access training. 

It shouldn’t have been so difficult but I’m glad to have jumped the official hoops & got there in the end! We have to continue to #makemenopausematter . Happy to answer questions about further HCP training 👇🏼 #happyfriday to you all. Never short sell yourself, aim big and have a lovely weekend 🫂

#motivation #menopause #furthereducation #postgrad #mcpc #menopausetraining #menopausecare #womenshealth #fsrh #bms #bethechangeyouwanttosee #perimenopause #menopausehealth #menopausetraining

#friday story with a happy ending so bear with me… during 2018 I was completing the BMS Menopause Training and Covid delayed me completing it. There was no plan as to how it could be completed remotely in the time needed. So, my window to complete it lapsed. I felt so frustrated as I had self invested at a time when I believed menopause care mattered yet there was little interest in services. Fast forward 5 years and so many opportunities have come, including remote BMS training, @balancemenopause , lots of awareness and education. Without enough trained, confident and trusted health professionals, menopause help will be pot luck and a postcode lottery. This is so unfair.

The trailblazer @menopause_doctor encouraged me 5 years ago to carry on doing what I believed would help women despite not completing the official training. Her bravery deserves credit. I’m so grateful to have listened & persevered.

Now, I’ve completed the Menopause Care Professional Certificate with the @fsrh_uk . My trainer @terrilovis (rare as hens teeth) was brilliant and the peer group supportive.

Working in the NHS Menopause Clinic and privately, as an educator and as a Trustee to @themenocharity I want to continue to provide the best evidence based care possible and complete the Advanced training so more Health Care Professionals can access training.

It shouldn’t have been so difficult but I’m glad to have jumped the official hoops & got there in the end! We have to continue to #makemenopausematter . Happy to answer questions about further HCP training 👇🏼 #happyfriday to you all. Never short sell yourself, aim big and have a lovely weekend 🫂

#motivation #menopause #furthereducation #postgrad #mcpc #menopausetraining #menopausecare #womenshealth #fsrh #bms #bethechangeyouwanttosee #perimenopause #menopausehealth #menopausetraining

51 26
Menopause is definitely not ‘one size fits all’ ~ significant variety in menopause clinic today, including weight gain, sleeping difficulties, joint pains… As well as symptom trackers, ultrasound, bloods, I have all my lifestyle advice up my sleeve. We’ve discussed sleep guidance, meditation, CBT, diet, exercise… and much more. It really is life transforming holistic medicine. What changes have you made that have helped? #menopausecare #menopause #perimenopause #womenshealth #menopauseawareness #menopausesymptoms

Menopause is definitely not ‘one size fits all’ ~ significant variety in menopause clinic today, including weight gain, sleeping difficulties, joint pains… As well as symptom trackers, ultrasound, bloods, I have all my lifestyle advice up my sleeve. We’ve discussed sleep guidance, meditation, CBT, diet, exercise… and much more. It really is life transforming holistic medicine. What changes have you made that have helped? #menopausecare #menopause #perimenopause #womenshealth #menopauseawareness #menopausesymptoms ...

28 2
#osteopenia is a window of opportunity for lifestyle change and medical care. It’s not a done deal to sit on. There is so much scope for action. 

Bone healthcare needs to be individualised taking into account your medical history, medications and needs. 

We were delighted that the repeat #dexa showed normal bone density for this lady and we know for some oestrogen in HRT can improve upto 7% density over 2 years. Making lifestyle and exercise changes is crucial. 

Welcome your thoughts 👇🏼 

#menopause #womenshealth #hormonehealth #osteoporosis #powerofcasestudies #osteopenia #hrt #bidyidenticalhrt #proactivecare #bonehealth #giveyourbonesabreak

#osteopenia is a window of opportunity for lifestyle change and medical care. It’s not a done deal to sit on. There is so much scope for action.

Bone healthcare needs to be individualised taking into account your medical history, medications and needs.

We were delighted that the repeat #dexa showed normal bone density for this lady and we know for some oestrogen in HRT can improve upto 7% density over 2 years. Making lifestyle and exercise changes is crucial.

Welcome your thoughts 👇🏼

#menopause #womenshealth #hormonehealth #osteoporosis #powerofcasestudies #osteopenia #hrt #bidyidenticalhrt #proactivecare #bonehealth #giveyourbonesabreak

90 23


News From Dr Vohra

Keep up to date with the latest news here.

January 1, 2025 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.
November 19, 2024 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.
what is menopause
May 16, 2024 |
There is a wealth of information on menopause at the moment and I often meet women who feel overwhelmed with it all and cannot see how to best help themselves. My advice is to share the responsibility with your health professional and arm yourself with a symptom tracker, your hormonal and family history and get individualised care that is best tailored to you.